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Planet-friendly design. 

We're different than most of the stores you shop with.

Tailor's Tools



We don't create waste by ordering a bunch of fabric, only using some of it, and chucking the rest (creating what's called deadstock). When possible, we actually source and use existing deadstock, vintage fabrics, thrifted clothes and linens, and more, so we're not creating more waste.


Production & Byproducts.

All of our products are made by hand, which means that we're not using bulk production methods that save time but don't save the planet. We use up every itty bit of fabric scrap, and collect threads and unusable pieces for recycling and stuffing. Our aim is zero-waste, closed-loop production.

Sewing Machine



Clothes on Outdoor Rack

Did you know that big fashion companies make tons and tons of a product, and whatever doesn't sell after a certain period, gets DESTROYED? Yep. Burnt or trashed. It's pretty horrific. We don't do that.



Your average clothing item also has a very large footprint. The fabric is made in one place, then shipped somewhere else to be made into an item, which is shipped to a warehouse, and then distributed either to stores or directly to you. You can skip 2-3 of those steps with us. We buy or rescue fabric, then produce it into a one-of-a-kind, handmade item and get it directly to you.


Fair Labor.

Products you buy elsewhere have a big old ??? in their history. Who made them, and where, and are those folks being treated fairly and given a living wage?

At Bubbo, you know exactly who's making your clothes, because you're talking to her right now. Hi, I'm Elaine, I own this company and I'm the two hands who makes everything. Bubbo doesn't exactly pay me yet, but you can be assured my working conditions are excellent (and that my manager Biscuit the cat insists I put down the sewing from time to pet her).

Colorful Threads
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